Anti-Bandit Smart Glass

Anti-Bandit Smart Glass with Gauzy Liquid Crystal Film

Our Anti-Bandit Smart Glass provides security from theft and forced entry, while allowing visual privacy when you need it.

It can withstand physical attacks of more than 70 hits, meeting the standards of EN356 P8B.

With a flick of a switch, the security glass transform from its opaque state to clear. This security glazing protects valuables and yet allow visual security according to your needs.  It protects museum valuables such as artefacts and paintings from against visible light damage and UV rays.

  • Laminated glazing for added strength and security
  • Wide range of visible light transmission
  • Instant switching between light-blocking and light-transmissive states
  • Light-blocking default state; no power required for maximum protection
  • Nominal power draw in light-transmissive state
  • 99% UV blocking at all times
  • Optional features: Anti-Reflection

The Anti-Bandit Smart Glass is manufactured in Singapore with our special interlayers and machinery.


  • Provides privacy, and yet easy to clean, without the use of curtains. Helps to maintain hygiene.

Privacy Partition

  • Provides privacy as and when you need it, with a simple flick of a button.

Functions as a Projection Screen

Allows HD images and video when used for projection, in opaque mode. Our Smart Glass is suitable for both rear and front projections. Simply a perfect tool for presentations in a meeting room or advertising on a retail front.

Commercial - Projection Display

Other Applications

  • Smart Windows
  • Meeting Room Partition
  • Retail Display

Technical Specifications:

  • Ultra-low energy consumption (less than 4W/m2)
  • On/Off or Dimming operational control with FLEX and MultiPlex Controllers
  • Haze: lower than 3%
  • Operating Voltage: 35-70VAC square wave
  • Operating Frequency: 25,32, 50 Hz
  • Available in standard and jumbo sizes